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Since 1 January 1992, technical verification has been compulsory for all motor vehicles below 3.5 tonnes.

Carried out every two years for vehicles over 4 years old, the technical inspection makes it possible to check a set of control points in order to make your vehicle safer.

Mandatory to be roadworthy, the technical inspection must also be less than 6 months old in the case of the sale of a vehicle to a private individual.

The technical inspection is obligatory for everyone!

Mandatory Inspection :

The first visit

It is carried out within 6 months, before the 4 years of the vehicle from its date of 1st entry into service (top right of the registration certificate).

The next visit (so-called periodic) is carried out every 2 years

Commercial vehicles are subject to a Complementary Pollution Inspection, to be done one year after the periodic technical inspection, and this in the 2 months preceding the anniversary date of the latter.

NOTE : are not concerned by the Complementary Pollution Visit, commercial vehicles whose body is a CARAVAN, a HANDICAP or an FUNERAL VEHICLE.

CT LISLOIS_controle technique check list
CT LISLOIS_controle technique vérification des pneumatiques


In case of sale of a vehicle put into circulation for the first time after more than 4 years, the seller must give the non-professional buyer, before the conclusion of the contract, the report of the periodic technical inspection established must be less than 6 months old.

The Voluntary Inspection
(does not exempt from the mandatory inspection):

At any time, to know the condition of your vehicle, you can request a total voluntary technical inspection (all the points of a technical inspection), or partial (one or more safety points, depending on your needs).

Be careful, it does not exempt from mandatory control.

Numerous technical checkpoints
for maximum security

The technical inspection verifies no less than 133 points classified into 3 categories, 123 of which are subject to a counter-inspection:

minor failures

indicated on the control report but no obligation to rectify

major failures

subject to counter-inspection, repairs must be carried out within two months from the date of the inspection

critical failures

subject to a counter-inspection, repairs must be carried out within 24 hours for the vehicle to be driven. If necessary, the vehicle can be impounded until the repairs have been completed passes the control inspection

We guarantee the safety of your vehicle before it is put into service

Book your check today

Call : 05 62 07 03 46